Monday, October 13, 2008

IWA Festival Site, Pendeford Park + 7 weeks

I needed a few bits from a chandlery today, and, being a nice day, I thought it would be nice to go for a little drive with the wife and the dogs. First stop was Pendeford Park, it was amazing how nature is gradually taking back what we did to the site in under 3 weeks. Obviously the bit where the funfair drove in is a little bit muddy still, and the main entrance area still has some way to go, but the rest of the site already shows little evidence that we were ever there. The dogs, Lewis and Afie, enjoyed a good romp around the park, and then it was back in the car and down to Limekiln Chandlery to buy the few bits we needed. The weather was lovely, and Pendeford Park was drier now that it ever was during the run up to the festival. Murphy's Law I suppose!

Not long now before we are off cruising for the weekend, can't wait.

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