Where do I start? I must have been quite naive to think things would improve as I got closer to London!! British Waterways have obviously got it wrong and are guilty of gross mis-management of the canal system. Yes, admittedly, more and more boats are licensed. I would go as far to say that in the last two weeks the number of unlicensed boats on the Grand Union could be counted on two hands. BUT, and it is a big but, the continuous moorers, who only pay a licence fee to BW, are breeding like rats. Cruising down the Grand Union we came to Marsworth, we managed to find a mooring,. just! SO many boats obviously lived on and continuously moored. On to Bulbourne, and the same again. Tonight we are moored at Berkhamstead and once again the place is littered with continuous moorers. Why, oh why don't BW do something about it. There is a source of revenue here.... I would not mind if they moored in the middle of nowhere but they don't! The time has come for BW or C&RT as it will become, to seriously look at the way they charge boaters. Maybe the time has come when all boaters are charged a fix amount per foot of length, regardless of where they cruise or moor, and discounts are available for those who moor in marinas, those with official online moorings, and those who can prove that they do actually continuously cruise.
Due to personal circumstances, I have not been able to cruise the canal system much for the last five years, and it has changed so much during that time. I never cruise fast and always slow down to pass moored boats, BUT, there are so many moored boats now (you virtually have to run on tickover between Leighton Buzzard and Berkhamstead in my experience so far!!) that I pass moored boats at 200 revs more than I used to otherwise I would not ever get anywhere!!