Thursday, May 28, 2009

GUELROSE is still moving...

When you are landbased you take for granted the speed of connection to the internet..... however, as soon as you get inside that steel tube called a narrowboat internet connection speed seems to go out of the window. At the moment my dongle is hanging in the side hatch giving me some sort of service....

A leisurely start yet again today, but, surely, isn't it what it all about really, moving from here to there at a leisurely pace and mooring up in the countryside enjoying what looks to be the promise of an glorious English summer.....

We cruised for 4 hours today, taking our time up the Atherstone 11 as there were a lot of boats coming down as we were going up, we cruised as far as Hartshill where we moored up at 1500hrs. It was a beautiful afternoon and we cleaned the brass and polished one side of the boat, tomorrow we will polish the other side.... probably.,
After that, it is onto the Ashby Canal, and on Saturday it is the day boat cruise, more of that later

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

GUELROSE is on the move......

Allbeit briefly, we are out for 9 days........
When you live on a boat it is easy to go cruising, just pull up your pins, stow the ropes and off you go. When you move onto the land and want to go cruising it is entirely a different matter! What clothes do you take, what kitchen implements (i.e. saucepans) have I taken from the boat and put in the house etc.....
It took us all morning to sort out the bits and pieces so it was 1300 hrs before we managed to start cruising. We arrived at Glascote locks after one and a half hours to find the usual queue, after waiting for an hour it was our turn to lock. We then cruised on and moored in one our favourite locations in the middle of nowhere just before you get to Bradley Green, just us and the dogs until a hireboat decided the mooring was good so moored up as well!
Tommorrow it's the Atherstone 11, then maybe a mooring at Hartshill.
Today's totals were 9 miles and 2 locks, with 5 hours cruising, just 2 lock miles per hour, quite slow even by our standards.
Watch out for an update tomorrow.